Page 9 - 100 คำศัพท์พรรคการเมืองและการเลือกตั้ง
P. 9


Absentee voting... 1       Conservative...22
Absolute majority... 2     Constituency...23
Acceptance speech... 3     Deadlock...24
Air war... 4               Delegate...25
Balancing the ticket... 6  Dirt file...26
Battleground state... 7    Election Access Fund...27
Bellwether state... 8      Electoral College...28
Bipartisan... 9            Exit poll...30
Campaign... 10             First past the post...31
Candidate... 11            Floor crossing...32
Canvasser... 12            G.O.P
                           (Grand Old Party)...33
Centre Left... 15          Grey power...34
Coalition... 16            Hoi polloi...35

Compulsory voting... 17    Hustings...35
Confidence and             Inauguration Day...36
supply... 19
                           Independent voter...37
Congressional              Issues... 37
district...20              Jacindamania...38
Consensus...21             Jobs for the boys...40
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